Finally the Finals

Filed under: by: Anonymous

I can't speak for Stank-0 but I haven't been writing about sports because I'm waiting for the Finals.  This has the chance to be the Finals we hoped for 2 years ago. 

I can't call who will win or lose.  The two teams are very evenly matched, but I do have some burning questions (no Jim Rome). 

Phil Jackson made a hoopla about KG put the forearm to D12.  I understand that, but what about Pau Gasol aka Paussy Kat (shout to Bomani Jones) leads you to believe that KG won't put a arm in his chest?  I'll let you think on that one for a second.  Got an answer?  Me neither.  #KGforearm

Shuttlesworth and Kobe will got at it and it will be great basketball.  Kobe will run through about 5 millions screens and that will be before halftime of Game 1.  Kobe will put Shuttlesworth to work.

I think P-squared will have the edge over Ron Ron simply because Artest is more defensive than offensive.  He will expend energy trying to stop Pierce versus giving Paul buckets in return.

The 4 is the toss up.  Bynum is gimpy while LO is touch and go.  If Perkins and Davis ball out they can take that.

Rondo will go over, around, and through whomever the Lakers trot out there.  Think on this the slowest PG the Lakers have faced was Steve Nash, and he is no slouch himself.  They have had to contend with Westbrook and DWill.  Rondo really can't shoot but he has some very talented guys around him.

The bench has to go the C's.  They are too veteran heavy.  Think about this.  Nate Robinson was a high scorer for the Knicks and he barely gets any burn with the Celtics.  That's how deep they are.  Granted Robinson is as tall as a 7th grader, but he did put on a show against the Magic.  So he has the talent but Celtics bench runs deep. 

The playoffs haven't been that compelling except for the Thunder/Lakers series.  The free agent summit for the summer of 2010 has been more interesting.  The Finals is our last shot.


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