Take the shot?

Filed under: , by: Stankoniforous 0ne

Now Stank-0 has some people in mind but this was prompted by one of the security guards at work.  It's very simple actually.  In the NBA right now, if there's only 5 seconds left in the game who do you want taking the shot? 

Stank-0 has three people in mind but maybe there are more.  Scratch that four if not five.  This will be a series and Stank-0 will see if he can get the rest of the team to each pick a person after we get some thoughts about who those individuals are. 

Each of the people that Stank-0 will mention has the bonafides to take that last shot, however, there was only one name on Stank-0's mind when the security guard asked him the question.  Stank-0 will not spoil it right now, but all the writers will reveal whom they think is that person to take the shot. 

Here are my preliminary people, in no particular order. 

Now those were the 4 that immediately jumped to mind, but a case could be made for more.  Ladies and gentleman, we have our next state the case.  Agree, disagree, or other admissions?

Stank-0 will have to include one more person. 


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