The dark underbelly of collegiate athletics rears its ugly head, AGAIN!

Filed under: by: Stankoniforous 0ne

 The person in question this time is no other than Cam Newton, the front runner and presumptive Heisman trophy winner. 

The word is that a man claiming to represent Newton said money had to exchange hands for Newton to consider their school, Mississippi State.  Stank-0 won't bore you with the particulars.  The "request" was passed up the food chain to the athletic director (AD), Greg Byrne, and that's as much as is known. 

This has to worry the Heisman group mainly because they just went through this with Reggie Bush just two months ago.  The NCAA must be concerned as well, unfortunately they've tied their own hands here.

The problem is that the NCAA refuses to acknowledge that collegiate athletics (namely football and basketball) is big business.  You are talking about young men on the verge of becoming multimillionaires overnight.  The prospect of landing one of these young men as a client is worth the risk for an agent or an athletic program.  One of these highly touted young men could take your team to the promised land or to a national title. 

They are not the same.  The promised land is the point when your school/program is the place everyone wants to play.  That usually results in a national title which makes your school/program the place everyone wants to play...a positive feedback loop ensues. Coaches get new salaries, new facilities, new perks.  Schools get new facilities, more money from boosters, more primetime games, and more money in general. The "student"-athletes get more exposure (read: TV time) which can raise their draft stock (read: they can make more money). 

The NCAA obviously doesn't take this serious because they have a grand total of 8 investigators.  As in more than 7 and less than 9 to cover collegiate sports. What exactly are they expected to find? 

Shout out to Music Snob for the heads up


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