It was the last tune up before the season starts and the Nationals are not ready. Stank-0 was late getting to the game and the Nats had already given up two homers.
It would have been better if the Nats had played some team closer in talent. They couldn't have learned too much because they got smashed from the bounce.
No offense to speak of. Literally none.
For some odd reason they kept Strasburg away. Stank-0 doubts an exhibition will be counted for statistical purposes. Why not put him in the deep end and see how he makes out? You paid the man at least take his arm out for a spin.
The Nats are turrible but Nationals Park really is a sight to behold. Views of the Big Penis Washington Monument from the nose bleeds. Cherry Blossom ring the stadium and of course Uncle Ben's is in the cut.
Nats' fans, prepare for another loooong season. The center fielder will be a lone bright spot, though. He has some significant range.
UPDATE!: Yes, McNabb is a Redskin, but the only NFL post Stank-0 will do at this point is concerning the draft. It's beyond waaay too early to be talking NFL moves. Thankfully, he wasn't exiled to Oakland.
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