Memory lane

Filed under: , by: Stankoniforous 0ne

So Stank-0 was sitting late last night and thought back to the first dunk.  Dunking as an activity is now very rare.  Ah to be younger again.  It's as clear as yesterday.

Don't get it twisted, Stank-0 got bunnies.  Anyway, the first dunk in a pick up game was back in undergrad.  Stank-0 was working the front desk so he couldn't hoop with the fellas no more.  [That job didn't last long.  Boring as all get out. Dealing with random f*ckery all the time. Didn't get to kick it with the fellas.

Anyway, so at 12A a young Stank-0 decided to go down to the gym and shoot about 100 jumpers.  That was the plan, but it ain't happen.  Stank-0 walked in the door and these cats were playing 21.  Stank-0 makes 4 so we got 2 on 2.

The only thing Stank-0 remembers is that someone shot too hard and Stank-0 perfectly timed his tip dunk.  Of course there was the primal scream [which became Stank-0's post dunk signature.]

The next dunk was also a tip dunk.  Frankly, Stank-0 doesn't even remember how he got up that high.  The ball bounced hard off the rim and Stank-0 just caught it.  The images in Stank-0's head are simply him up in the air catching the rebound and sending it down...AAAAAAAAND the primal scream. 

The time after that was when my boy who was at KU chasing the dream of playing college ball, transferred to Nebraska, but was down for the weekened.  His little brother went up for a layup but it caromed off the glass too hard.  The play was in slow motion.  Stank-0 was about 5 steps behind him when he went up.  As soon as he went up, Stank-0 knew the ball was coming off the rim.  Stank-0 dunked it hung on the rim (which you weren't supposed to do) and came down screaming.

The next time was a lob.  The guy just threw it up and Stank-0 went after it.  Had no idea where Stank-0 was in relation to the rim, but next thing Stank-0 knows he's hanging on the rim.  Stank-0 does a pull up and then comes guessed it...screaming. 

The most infamous dunk [the one my boys will still bring up to this day in fact] was the windmill off a drop step at the Y. Actually Stank-0 dunked twice there on the same outing. 

Now Stank-0 did dunk on someone but he was small so it don't really count.

Stank-0 had some near misses. 
  •  A lob that was perfect but Stank-0 tried to cock it back in the air and it went of the back of the rim.
  • The lob that Stank-0 was gonna reverse but got pushed as soon as he went up. 
  • The near tip dunk except for two guys were hanging on as Stank-0 went up.  
If Stank-0 ever procreates, hopefully his son or daughter will be terrorizing the rim and letting out primal screams too.


Stank-0 aka Still got bunnies aka you can still get served!


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