I didn't want Stank-0 to go overboard in his homerness so I'll do the honors. This will be short and sweet.
The University of Kansas men's basketball team reached the milestone of 2000 wins today. They have joined some rarefied company, Kentucky and North Carolina. At this point, Stank-0 would say some foolishness like both of those programs have the names of Kansans on their home courts, which they do. They are Lou Rupp and Dean Smith, each from the state of Kansas, who studied the X's and O's under the legendary James "Phog" Allen which the Fieldhose gets its name from. Phog Allen learned his X's and O's from the game's creator, Dr. James Naismith. I have to admit that's quite a lineage, but in the end. It doesn't make any difference.
The next on the list are: Duke (1885), Syracuse (1765), Temple (1724), St. John's (1695), UCLA (1676), Notre Dame (1662), and Pennsylvania (1657). Not sure how accurate these numbers are. So I would assume that if Duke averages 30 wins a season they will hit 2K in 4 seasons. With that same standard Cuse will join the club 6 seasons after Duke joins. We are close to half of the 2K club before the end of this decade.
But this is Kansas day, enjoy it until dark, get your mind right for the Big XII tourney and then the Dance. Best of luck.