Sammy has recently been outted on the infamous steriods list. I want to touch on something else, but I'll come back to the list itself.
Who of you in the darkest recesses of your mind can say that you did think that Slammin Sammy was totally clean? Honestly, if Ken Griffey Jr. and Albert "the Machine" Pujols' names are on that list, I wouldn't even be surprised at this point. A-Rod, Manny, and Sammy have the steriods cloud hanging over their head.
Now about the list itself. Obviously, there's a leak and it needs to be plugged. These players willingly tested themselves with the belief that it would be kept confidential. ESPN analysts think the leak is in the US government. That presents a whole new set of problems. I doubt MLB would do this to themselves so they can be successfully ruled out.
The question is how do you root out the leak? I have no idea.
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